What is hypnotherapy?
There’s more to hypnotherapy than what you might have seen in the movies.
There’s more to hypnotherapy than what you might have seen in the movies.
Exposure therapy can help treat anxiety and phobias by slowly exposing you to triggers.
PTSD and CPTSD have a lot in common, but they’re two separate conditions.
BPD and bipolar disorder can look similar, but there are some key details that set them apart.
Focusing on self-care can make you feel better during the dark winter months.
Anger is a normal and healthy emotion, but it’s important to know how to channel it effectively.
Path Mental Health is now Rula.
Music therapy is evidence-based and can be used to treat a wide range of conditions.
Somatic therapy focuses on the ways the body processes trauma and holds emotion.
Behavioral therapy can help create long-lasting behavior change.
A qualified mental health provider can help you find the best type for you.
A qualified mental health provider can help you find the best type for you.